ShipShape Therapies aim to help our clients prevent injuries and other stress-related afflictions by keeping their holistic health shipshape! The term shipshape literally means to keep things in order, so in terms of massage, we aim to get you feeling back to 'normal', whatever that may be for you.


Rebecca Jones
Massage Therapist
Rebecca has always been interested in massage therapy, not only because it makes people feel physically healthier, but that it can reset the mind as well. This, combined with her love of helping others, prompted her to start practicing as a therapist in 2013.
At first, it was purely to accompany her professional acting career, however whenever she started any new rehearsal for a production, she would often get requests to massage her castmates. This enthusiasm, combined with her passion, lead her to continue to study and Rebecca gained a distinction in her iTEC Level 3 and Anatomy & Physiology certificates from the London School of Massage. She worked for the company Massage Angels in Westfield, London for 7 years where she delivered seated head, neck, and shoulder massages. She has since gone on to gain certificates in Deep Tissue, Chair Acupressure, and Pregnancy Massage through Gateway Workshops and has a drive to add more specialisms in the future.
Rebecca is a member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists, with insurance underwritten by Hiscox.


Chair/ Seated Acupressure Massage (Fully Clothed)

Modern-day Seated Acupressure is a hybrid of the ancient Oriental massage arts of Anma and Shiatsu. This technique helps to stimulate and balance the flow of energy throughout the body. The clever ergonomic design of the chair used completely supports the body in total comfort, allowing the practitioner easy access to acupressure points without the removal of clothes or the use of oils. This massage is gentle and non-invasive so it is suitable for everyone.

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Relaxation Massage (akin to Swedish Massage)

This whole-body therapeutic massage treatment works the soft tissues and muscles to help restore health, creating a calming and balancing effect on the nervous system. The technique aims to promote relaxation by releasing muscle tension. This massage is gentler than deep tissue and better suited for people interested in relaxation and tension relief. If you've never had a full body massage before - this is a good place to start.

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Deep Tissue Massage

This treatment focuses on releasing the myofascial restrictions of the deeper muscles, tendons and ligaments of the body. It employs techniques to work below superficial connective tissue with the intent of breaking up old structural patterns and allowing the free flow of nutrients and oxygen to the blood. It also requires the therapist to apply considerable amounts of pressure which in some cases may cause some discomfort, however we will always work within the comfort zone of the client.

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Pregnancy Massage

This side-lying therapy can help to alleviate many of the symptoms and conditions associated with pregnancy. During this amazing time of physical and emotional change, massage can be of enormous benefit to both mother and baby. It helps to prepare the body for the changes that occur during this special time and will help to promote a healthy, happy pregnancy, as well as labour and recovery period. (Please note: treatment will only be available after the 12 week scan).

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Different timings are available, although the longer treatment you have, the more attention we can give to particular ailments. However, if you don't have a lot of time, then shorter treatments can also be extremely beneficial.
*Please note that there will be a free consultation before and after each massage
(Approximately 10 minutes total)*

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ShipShape Therapies

13 Gainsford Road,
S019 7AS
023 8098 0703

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